Saturday, December 07, 2024

Flight to Thailand December 2024

I'm bringing one carryon and a backpack. No checked luggage, and no return ticket. I'm hoping to be bringing my beautiful fiancee back with me to Ohio and wife her up.

This trip consist of 3 flights (times are local to the airport):

1) Columbus to Philadelphia (cmh to phl). Flight 4801. Scheduled for a 6:00 am departure on December 7th and a 7:38 am arrival December 7th. Actual times were 5:52 am departure and a 7:15 am arrival. 

Over 12 hour layover

2) Philadelphia to Doha (phl to doh). Flight 120. Scheduled for a 7:50 pm departure on December 7th and a 4:10 pm arrival on December 8th. Actual times were 7:45 pm departure and a 4:30 pm arrival. 

About a 3 hour layover

3) Doha to Bangkok (doh to bkk). Flight 8146. Scheduled for a 7:35 pm departure on December 8th and a 5:55 am arrival on December 9th. Actual times were 7:46 pm departure and a 5:48 am arrival. 

Actual times will be updated as the flight occur.

Here is food from my Philly to Doha flight. I didn't think of video tapping it, but there was an Indian man still talking on his phone while the plane was leaving. The flight attendant was insistent that he hang up immediately and he was saying, "wait, this is important. I have to finish this call!"

Here is my food from my Doha to Bangkok flight. Very spicy beef, veggies, and rice.

Elle's crazy against me drinking sugary beverages. She complains when she sees me drinking them in the US, and freaked out because I drank more cola and red bull in Thailand than she saw me drinking water. I told her it was a treat while I was on vacation and was special. As a surprise for me she stocked the refrigerator with Mineral Water, Coca-Cola and Red Bull. She also cut fruit for me and gave me a mini pedicure and manicure while I was falling asleep.

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