Monday, December 11, 2023

Swimming and dinner

December Monday 11th, 2023.  AEW finished working and we went to the swimming pool on the forth floor. The pool is pretty awesome. while not very wide, the length is substantial. After swimming for about  hours we searched for a restaurant nearby to eat. 

I picked, El Torro, a Brazilian steak house, with an American price tag. Google search for steak near me said it was 1.6 km, but the actual distance on google maps was 20+ km. I definitely got my fill of "the meats"; however, AEW was both disgusted by the rare steak and infuriated at the total price of the buffet. I forgot to take pictures of the food so I took a screen shot of the google search for the restaurant.

Hopefully, we can go again with Mint before I head home, or another Brazilian steak house. I am curios to see what Mint thinks of the food.

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